
Busy, Dizzy and Happy – The Salamanders Team

Busy, Dizzy and Happy
The Salamanders Team
Since February of last year, all heck has broken loose. Salamanders has been going crazy with our faithful old clients returning from the Covid isolation in droves and new folks “discovering” us. We are very grateful for everyone coming in for a Salamanders “fix” and there are times when we are run off our feet.
Part of the issue is the labour issue that you have heard so much about. Liane and Beth have been keeping the place going in the kitchen and on the floor with our faithful few, good people like Ally, Deborah, Glenda, Joel, Maia, Shane… Some other folks have come and then, they have gone. There were days and evenings when we have to ask our guests to be patient because rule #1 will always be: the quality of the food comes first. Salamanders ain’t a fast food joint…
The main attraction, of course, is the Salamanders patio. As usual, the landscaping (compliments to Glenda) and the sculptures by our good friend Lorraine Delangis provide a restful environment to enjoy Liane and her team’s homemade cooking. On hot days, some of our guests prefer being inside where it’s cooler and where they can enjoy the fine works of the North Grenville Arts Guild. We are so grateful for our partnership with these talented people and are honoured that they hold their twice yearly art exhibits just outside the Salamanders patio.
Perhaps it escaped your attention but guess what? Fall is almost upon us. As of the second week of August (earlier than usual, we think), the days have been getting progressively cooler. Last Saturday, we saw our first fall colours on the way back to our farm in the forest above Merrickville. That means: school, work, a municipal election, a Plowing Match and the leadup to the holiday season with lots of downtown activity organized by Deron Johnston, our intrepid BIA Executive Director.
By the way, we hate to bring it up but it’s time for those intending to do so to book their Festive Season parties. Every year, we get some folks disappointed because their favourite date has already been picked off. So, now that September is about upon us, please, you organizers of events, take out your schedules, pick a date and get in touch with Liane as soon as you possibly can to talk menu and such.
Meanwhile, we notice that people continue to be kind and nice (with a few exceptions, of course). We greatly enjoy the stories we hear from many of our guests. We are looking forward to the fall season and have stocked up on gas heaters to extend the season as long as we can.
So come one and come all to (your) Salamanders of Kemptville.