
Alert to Party Time 2024

Greetings to all party organizers for fall 2024. Every year, you folks get in touch with Liane or Beth at Salamanders to book your annual festive season party. Every year also, some of you get disappointed that someone got to us sooner and grabbed the date you had in mind. This is just a reminder that earlier is better for being in touch.
As party organizers, you know very well that trying to get everyone to commit to a date is like herding cats. You are fully aware that it often takes a couple of weeks just to get consensus on that very special date. We encourage you to get started as soon as possible, since by beginning of October our dance card is already starting to fill up. Last year, some of you saw the wisdom of having your party in January rather than the hectic months of November and December. They thought that since folks are tied up and under pressure to get their cooking, shopping and convening done, it would be better to hold their get-together once everyone was more relaxed.
Change is part of life but at Salamanders, Party Time has remained constant. You still can book the restaurant for your group, large or small; you can either use the menu or order up a buffet; there is still a service charge for the extra help we bring in to serve you well; and, it’s still the great food that Salamanders always provides. If you want some band music, we can provide it and you can even bring in some of your own decorations.
By the way, this alert isn’t just for the parties that take place annually for the festive season. We get party requests all the time: weddings and receptions; family birthdays; regular family get-togethers; celebrations of life; business meetings; the list goes on. So, organizers of these kinds of parties need to remember that they are competing with those who are trying to sort their annual festive season event. Please give yourself and Salamanders staff plenty of time to get things organized and done properly.
One thing is certain: Salamanders is there to help you celebrate your special event, no matter what it might be. We have become a community hub, not only specializing in fine food but also in helping people get together in an atmosphere where they enjoy each other’s company.
So welcome to party time 2024 at Salamanders of Kemptville!

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